Nude Angelina Jolie statue to be unveiled

nude Angelina Jolie statue
For World Breastfeeding Week, Phantom-Financial announces the unveiling of a life-size park bench sculpture of Angelina Jolie nude with her twin babies by New York artist Daniel Edwards just minutes from Brad Pitt’s own birthplace in the Oklahoma City Metro area in September before its Fall exhibition in London.

“We believe the statue sends a beautiful message by promoting the acceptance of public breastfeeding. Mothers should be encouraged to nurture their babies anywhere,” said Sandy Wilson of Phantom-Financial. Edwards’s past works of celebrity motherhood include “Monument to Pro-Life,” featuring Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug, and “Octomom: String of Babies.”

 nude Britney Spears statue
Monument to Pro-Life

Angelina Jolie HQ photos
download 19 Angelina Jolie HQ photos

label: Angelina Jolie breastfeeding statue .



